Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A weekend of fun, and SE’s BIGGEST SECRET REVEALED!

Before I get into the game posts, I want to give an update. I’ve been warned that I can’t use internet in my office anymore, so I’ll be writing these in the office, but posting them when I get home. So for those of you reading every day, the stuff that happens on Monday night, won’t be posted until Tuesday night. Tuesday’s stuff will be posted on Wednesday night, and mostly Friday/weekend stuff will be posted on Monday night. Much like the rest of my post

I didn’t log in on Friday for more than a second. My girlfriend was home from college, and she came over for the night so I didn’t really want to play while she was there.
I was able to get on Saturday, around 4~ or so. I decided to go help Carste and Falk try to pop Ix’aern (Drg). Carste was needing one of the items for his Jailer of Prudence pop set. (Actually, he needed two) So I geared up BLM and headed to Sea. I still don’t have the map of The Garden of Ru’Hmet, I guess I should get that someday.. anyway, we were up there for a few hours until Carste and I had to go to Limbus. We got no pop, and just a couple deaths and some merit points. Also CARSTE CAPPED BLM EXP OMGWTF.

Limbus didn’t take very long, and since Falk didn’t have anything to do, he decided to tag along for the fun. We got to do Omega. I went Blm/Nin and my job was to stun the gunpods when they popped so that the BLMs could nuke them down. I also was helping to stun Omega and nuke it. Carste was NIN kiting/tanking. I was rather impressed how soon into the initial fight that he gave the go-ahead for full BLM assault with nukes. I emptied my MP twice and didn’t get hate. We ended up getting some Homom, and Athoz ended up winning a piece.

After Limbus, we decided to go do some quick ZNMs with Falk, Carste, Sabene and Athoz. We went to Mount Zhayolm with 2 Brass Borer pops. Carste was AFK for the first pop… And Falk was the first person into the zone. Luckily there was a little party of BLM’s killing the Princes near the pop site. Unluckily, Falk is a goddamed retard, and decided to solo-pop Brass Borer. He died quickly, and I arrived just in time to grab it before it despawned, but sadly, I was alone, and the closest persons were Sabene and Athoz(outside smoking I think), who was near the Staging point still. I gave it Bio II, Bind, and waited a little bit until the bind broke, hoping to buy Sabene some time to catch me. Once Bind broke I threw up Sneak and Invisible ran through the tunnel towards the kiting area. Sadly, I somehow ended up canceling my Sneak, and ended up aggroing the last slime in the tunnel. I managed to sleep it, but my shadows were gone at that point, and Brass Borer gave me a 1-hit-KO with a 1425 hit. Ouch. Luckily, Falk was back in zone by that point, and Athoz on COR, and Sabene on BLM (or RDM, I think it was RDM) and they were right behind me and were able to grab Brass Borer almost right as it killed me, and keep it from despawning. Falk wasn’t too far behind and was able to raise me on his way through the tunnel. While I was dead, Sabene also died, and it was up to Athoz on COR, kiting it around, and randomly sleeping adds when he could. He did an awesome job, and was able to hold it until Falk got in position to take it from him and ran it to the actual kiting area, where we were able to kill it without further incidents.

When it came time to pop the 2nd one, Carste was back and headed up to help us out. This time, we had enough fire power to not even need to pull it anywhere, and were able to pretty much kill it right where we popped it. It wasn’t alive more than a minute, and no deaths. Great success.

After the ZNM’s I went to trade in my trophy item, and do some more zeni farming, but Sanraku had changed the mob to something shitty again, I think spiders, so I decided not to, and went to watch TV until my girlfriend arrived.

I logged in Sunday in the late afternoon. I didn’t really have anything special planned to do, so I asked “/l Hey guys, I’m free for a while, Anyone need any help?” The first –real- response was from Bloodhand, he was wanting a pair of Vicious Mufflers, for the Magic Attack Bonus +5. It’s free, and easier to get than Zenith Mitts. So we retraced ourselves and started getting ready (Oh, Bloodhand got BLM75, congrats to him!), when Sjoidjgo (Falk) logged in and asked us what we were doing. I told him that we were going to get Vicious for Bloodhand. He said he’d come help and together we went out to Castle Oztroja [S] to farm the pop item for the NM. It was a fairly easy task.

We got 3 pop items in about 15 minutes, and we were off to the NM spawn point in Meriphataud Mountains [S]. The fight, is very easy, and we did it BLM/NIN BLM/NIN SCH/RDM. The NM is aspir-able, and pretty susceptible to sleep/bind/gravity. We killed it no problem, and got the mitts on the first pop. I decided to keep my pop item for Sabene, who has been trying to pimp her BLM, and I know these mitts would be a excellent addition to her arsenal.

After we were done, we decided to keep the momentum moving, and we decided to knock out a few Tier I and II ZNM’s in the Sarameya Path, specifically Brass Borer, and Anantaboga. I got to Sanraku first, and got my Anantaboga pop without really realizing what I was doing. 4,600 Zeni. HOLY SHIT. I wish I hadn’t done that. That’s more than double what the pop item was supposed to cost. So I warned Falk and Bloodhand not to get one of those, and Bloodhand ended up just getting a Brass Borer pop. We decided to wait to pop my Anataboga when we had more than just one pop to do. Didn’t make sense to run all the way out there just for me, so I got a Brass Borer pop as well. We headed to Mount Zhayolm. We were able to kill the first one pretty easily. I did get some aggro along the path to the camp where we were going to kill it, but we were able to deal with it easily.

We killed it with Nuking/zoning/kiting. It went down pretty easy with BLM/NIN BLM/NIN SCH/NIN, Although Falk did manage to die at the last second in the first pop somehow. The second pull went off easily, and nobody died. We weren’t after any gear, we were just wanting to get these out of the way so we can move on to bigger and better things later on. I’m glad I was able to get 2 Brass Borer out of the way. Now I have the ability to pop 2 Anantaboga’s and then I can fight Khroma Soul, Achamoth, and Nosferatu, then I’ll have another Sarameya pop. I think I’ll try to get a Pandemonium Warden pop, just for fun. I don’t think our Social shell could ever kill it, so I might just end up selling it. Or I could just pop it, knowing we’ll wipe, just for the lulz.

-Alert- this portion of the post contains pooping references, and SE's biggest secret.

Carste and I headed back up to Sea to try and pop Ix’aern again. I got some merit points, and died once or twice.
(How cute, dual Drains. Fags)

After a few hours of trying, I suddenly had to go #2. So I told Carste that I was getting off skype, and went into the bathroom with my laptop (That’s right, I poo and play at the same time. You should try it, it’s great) Well I was just finishing my business when OMG Ix popped!!! 
Now, before I continue with the pop, I need to tell why this is significant. Carste and I have jokingly, been saying that whenever one of us has to poop, a NM is about to pop. This is not the first time this has happened to us. Not even fucking close. And this is exactly why I brought the laptop into the bathroom with me. It popped the moment I finished with my business. Now I’m not saying that Square Enix has a direct link to my Bowels, but I am saying that it is happening. Want to know when Tiamat is popping? Ask me how many cups of coffee I’ve had. Anyway, back to the story…
Carste quickly died because he’s a retard and ran in the wrong direction. He had no RR, and quickly HP’d. Once it was back  at the spawn point, I nuked it, threw Bio II on, and ran for the zone. I was able to hold it until Carste was almost back in zone. I discovered a new trick that I didn’t know, which is when zoning, if you spam your macro (Mine was stoneskin) you will start casting the spell even though your screen is still black, and I abused the hell out of this trick while waiting for Carste. I eventually ran out of MP and HP just about the same time Carste was getting onto the same floor as me. He was able to grab the NM and hold it until I HP’d and came back. It took us about 30~ minutes to kill, but it was rather easy with two people. Carste was focusing on bringing it back to the zone point, and keeping DOTs on it, while I was nuking it down whenever Carste zoned and Ix’ popped unclaimed.

When Ix’ finally got down to 5%, we got back in our party and together were able to nuke it down and Carste got his item. (On a side note, during this I was able to get the Tavnazia OP for warping, which helped out a lot with Ix’aern when it popped)

After Ix’Aern was killed, I went Afk for a few hours, and when I came back, I was a little tired, but I noticed that a bunch of LS members were trying to get Falk a Soboro. I remembered Falk telling me he wanted one, so I got my ass there as quickly as I could. Almost the same time that I got into the party and in-zone, they wiped to the NM with 6 people. I got there as quick as I could and helped with the Raises.(BLM/WHM) We were able to quickly farm a few more pop items while waiting on the ??? to reappear, and we were able to take down Unstable Cluster without many problems. Carste stunned the Self Destruct, and I knew I was next in the stun rotation, but I didn’t see it use it again, so I guess we got lucky, or I missed it and someone else stunned it. I used most of my MP helping with cures when Zerayla (PLD) got real low, and throwing nukes here and there. We got the Soboro and D2’s were handed out. Falk was ecstatic, and went to skill up his Great Katana skill. Sorry, no screenshots here.

I decided to do a little Campaign on SAM, since I knew my medal was about to be revoked. I was unlucky and joined a bunch of 10~ campaigns, netting me 400-500~ exp each. After a few failures, I decided to just go to bed. 

Overall, I’d say it was a rather productive weekend.

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