Thursday, September 30, 2010

Two updates? IN TWO WEEKS? Holy shit I’m bored. Not sure what I covered in my last update… let me check..JOL.. Cuelebre… WHM AF3…Yilbegan… OK here we go.

I’ve dragged Carste with me to Abyssea – Tahrongi at least 4 times to kill Lachrymater with me, so I can try to get a Witchstone. We killed him ¾ times, the one wipe being a unlucky pull by Carste. Our setup was RDM/WHM and SAM/NIN. I had some decent Gekko’s with the stat bonuses from Abyssea. We dragged Dragonsbane out on our 4th pop to try and get some TH on it, but still no drop. Bastard.

 Look ma! No sword!

One other NM Carste and I have been trying to kill, is Bakka. SAM/NIN RDM/WHM, although alternately we could probably do it just as easily WHM / RDM(or /sch) and SAM/NIN, but we’re usually already geared the other way. We haven’t wiped to this NM yet, because we haven’t been able to claim it… The fucker is never up, and the moment it is up, It gets claimed before we can get there. Someday we’ll get our Goetia Chains…

I’ve spent a couple more hours trying to do quests to get more seals for different gear from Abyssea, but sadly I haven’t been able to get anything. The quests for Abyssea – Vunkerl seem to take forever to do, so I’ll probably just wait until AP does that zone so I can just lot them from NM’s. It seems to be a waste of time doing the quests. Or maybe I’m just doing them wrong. I’ve been doing the 2 quests where they ask you to go to different points on the map and check spots and report back for a reward. I’m about 0/15 on those quests. Maybe my time would be better spend in Abyssea – Misareaux getting all my items from there. I still need my seals for BLM and SAM from there anyway, so I might as well do that. Also, I’m most familiar with that zone and it’s NM’s, so I should be able to team up with some people and get some seals that way.

I was finally able to finish my Shellra 5, and I put another merit into my Burst II. I’ve had WHM75 for 3 years, and it’s been my least merited job for a long time. Total Noob.

Still doing Limbus runs with Dragonsbane, He’s almost got enough to buy his Boxer’s mantle, and I think once he does that, we’ll do another run and I’ll get one also, and toss it in my PDT set for SAM. We average 22-27 coins a run.

Last night was abyssea with AP, Misareaux. Carste got a few RDM seals, and it almost done with his legs. I’ve been bugging Cloudxz (ls leader) to take the ls to kill Ironclad Serverer so that I could get by Goetia Mantle… Well, sadly the LS didn’t, but I did. As we were zoning in as a linkshell, I went to check if it was up, and it was.. but it was being killed, so I got the TOD, and cured one of the people killing it, and left. A minute later I got a /tell from the group leader asking if I wanted to get in on the next kill in a hour, BLM mantle being freelot… YES! A hour and 15minutes later, I got a /tell, and I disbanded AP, and ran to Ironclad. We took it down in 5 minutes, and I lotted a 400~ for the mantle. Ugh, but the other BLM lotted a 46!! WINNRAR. Extremely excited about that. Took 5minutes and changed all my nuking macros on the spot, and then left to finish off the night with AP.

Monday, September 27, 2010

I’ve finally started taking some screenshots again, and I’ve got some good ones to share!

It’s been an eventful week with AP, focusing mainly on Sea. We did some Jailer of Prudence, Jailer of Love, and the other less significant NM’s. We took bids on Novio Earring, and the one other person who would have been able to out-bid me wasn’t online! OH MAN NOVIO FOR ME!

If only it dropped on our 2 separate pops… ugh. Hopefully I’ll have more points than Chocoboits by the time we do JOL again.. that is, if Carste and I don’t lowman it before then!! That’s right bitches, I said it. Lowman, JOL. Stay tuned.
Carste and I killed Cuelebre a few times over the course of a few days to get him his dagger. I think we went 1/3? Either way, I made some decent gil off it. The first kill we did as a duo, the 2nd we had a BLM assist, and the 3rd kill we took Midgetking as THF for some TH on it. So still practically duo’d.

I obtained both my Key Items to lower the timer on my Transverser stones, so now I have 12hr stones! Also, I got they key item to add an additional 3 minutes for every stone I hand in.

Spent a lot of time in Abyssea-Misareaux, by myself and with AP. I got an exp party there, and was able to get 3/5 of my Shellra 5 merits, and later on with AP I was able to get 5/5 merits, which means I only need around 30 merits before SAM WHM BLM are fully merited!

Also, because of all the hype about the new AF3 (I think that’s what it’s called, this is the part where Carste will call me a dumb faggot) I had to put 100% of my play time on Saturday into getting my WHM legs. Well, eventually I was able to get them, but not when I wanted them, which was for the JOL fights we were going to do. I’m the first WHM in AP to get my +1 legs I believe. I’m unsure of what to work on next, probably the WHM head piece since it’s so nice. And after that I’ll do SAM legs.

I really can’t wait to get my hands on all of the SAM pieces, even though the only time I play the job is to kill something lowman style.. All those pieces are so much nicer than what I already have. I had some plans to upgrade my SAM AF legs to +1 to get 5STR for my WS’s, but the new AF3 pieces are so much better!

Essentially, I could go on for pages about how much better the new gear is than what I already have, but I wont.

Here’s some more screenshots.

Cloud and Longarm gonna duel!
 a damn worm that nearly wiped us
Yilb action
Some insane chest drops

 Some nightly NM's


Monday, September 20, 2010

So, I know it’s been a while since my last update, but some changes have kept me from posting.

For starters, there is a new girl in my office who I work closely with, and she is a little nosey about what I’m doing on the internet, so I can’t dedicate 30+ minutes to writing and posting updates. Also, I’m being more closely watched by my bosses here, so that’s prohibiting things. And to top it all off, I recently had to reformat my hard drive and reinstall Windows7, so I still don’t have all my stuff organized the way I’d like, and because of it, I keep forgetting to hit that screenshot button. >.>

Here are some minor updates.




Carste joined AbsolutePerfection, and he’s getting lotting rights twice as fast as I did. Fucker.

I’ve got my full HP pushdown set for my Sorcerer’s ring, and am constantly getting yelled at for using it, and constantly dying from mega-aoe moves from NM’s because of it.

We compelted all the WOTG stuff up-to-date and we’ve gotten our rings! Also, I got this earring while doing VNM’s with AP.

I’ve been after it for a long ass time, but it still doesn’t help my gimp ass dark magic build.

I got the new STR12 helm for SAM, but it still doesn’t help the fact that I’ve only got 2STR on my legs slot for my YGK.

I’m about half done with my STR ATK GK for SAM, while Carste is about ¾.

Fought a couple Yilbegen’s, and a Turul or two. Turul is the worst NM I’ve ever had to WHM for in my career. Listen to me whine for a second. He has knockback moves and hate reset, which means that everyone is getting thrown all over the place all the time, so I’m constantly running to cure someone, sometimes over 40 yalms! K I’m done.

WHM is getting “Boost Stat” spells now, Can’t wait for STR and INT. I was really excited when I started thinking WHM/SCH will get Firestorm, and that when SCH gives me firestorm it grants additional STR, and I thought I’d be able to do Firestorm and Boost STR, but it’s a sch merit JA. Fuckers.

Started my Thunder staff trials last week, and thunder weather is avoiding me like the plague. It’s going to be a long road before I get to my final staff.

Got my Cure Potency +3% cape off Marvin, with the help of a faggot named Steve.

Haven’t had the pleasure of harassing Hesper within the last week or two. Makes me sad.

I’ve been duoing limbus with Dragonsbane to help him farm ABC’s. So far, we’ve had 2/3 succesful runs. Last run we wiped pretty hard on the third floor because we weren’t paying attention.

I’ve still got plenty of work to do to maximize my jobs. I finally found a reason to finish the Nation missions, which I never bothered to do, and that reason is Abyssea abyssites. I’m going to be busy as fuck for quite some time..