Monday, March 29, 2010

The weeeekend post!

I had no playtime on Friday. So my post will begin with Saturday. Also, for some reason I can't get the pictures to post, so this one won't have any. Sorry all. i'll upload when I get home

My day began with a ENM run with Falk, doing Spire of Vazhal again. This time, it literally took us 5-10 minutes to get there, which was a huge improvement. Also, WE WON. We didn’t win the high gil item, but still, that was my first win at that ENM as a duo, so I was happy. We did have a little trouble getting into the promy zone though, when we aggro’d a few mobs on and near the elevator. We didn’t die, but came kinda close. It was really wild how I would be smacking them one second, and they would disappear the next, only to be crit hitting me from somewhere unseen.

After the ENM, Falk convinced me to manaburn with his lolRDM in Pso’Xja. It was pretty crappy exp. Falk got about 6k before we stopped, running at about 2k/hr for the majority of the time.

After the lolmanaburn, I joined some LS mates for a ISNM3000 Jade Sepulcher. I think I got about 45k from my drops, but this was a new event for me, so it was nice to get some experience from it… Even if I did have to put up with Tone. Tone, for those of you who don’t know, is a moron. He cussed me out one time when I went to PL a friend who was in a party with him, while he was on BRD. He refused to pull unless I stopped healing the party members, who were constantly dropping down to below 50%, and they had obvious downtime waiting for the in-party mage to /heal. He’s very prideful, and stubborn and stupid. Even during the ISNM, I asked for Mages Ballad, since I didn’t have it during the battle, and rather than casting it, he said “Meh, you don’t need it.” A stupid fucker for sure. Someone died during that run btw due to me not having mp. Anyway, on with the post.

Earlier in the day, I had notice a NM in Yuhtunga Jungle that I wanted to kill because it droped a 300k item that I could sell. But when I got back into the zone a few hours later someone had killed it, or it had wondered so far that I couldn’t find it.

I’m not sure what I was doing between then and Limbus, so I’m not going to write about it.

Limbus was, well.. Limbus. Lots of nuking and aspiring and stunning. Although, this time a Diabolic Silk (BLM) did drop, although I did lose the lot to Sabene. I’m glad it was her I lost to, because she’s been pretty seriously wanting to upgrade her BLM, and I’m happy to see her do it, because she really enjoys that job. The run ended with each member getting 3 coins. Also, I didn’t die this time :D

After Limbus, was the long awaited KIRIN RUN! Carste was going to be popping his set tonight, so I geared up SAM in all it’s unnecessary sets and warped to sky in a hurry! I was excittted. We all made it into the correct room quite smoothly. We had 15 people. We popped it and it seemed to be going quite well, if you ask me, until Byakko popped and our non-kiting PLD Zerayla died. D: At this point, I decided to try and tank it with my damage reduction set and my Seigan Third eye… Yeah that didn’t work, but I did manage to hold it for few seconds while people were able to wail on it. I died, rather quickly. I was raised and I meditated, and ran in to try and help end the fight with a Gekko.. Yeah that didn’t work either. I took hate instantly and died again, while he was at 5% or so. Meanwhile, Carste, who had somehow managed to take hate on Kirin, was trying to keep kiting it while Timwakefield, the PLD who was supposed to be kiting, was trying to take hate. Carste died, and then gave the order for us to quickly wipe. So we could sac it and regroup. Sadly, the WHM’s were a little slow getting out a raise to someone so they could sac it and Kirin Depopped. I felt horrible, because I know it cost quite a bit of gil to pop Kirin, and now it was wasted. Everyone went off to sulk, and I went to bed.

The next morning, I decided to finally finish what I had wanted to do quite a long time ago, UNLOCK AND LEVEL PLD!!!! I quickly rushed through all the prerequisite quests and finally unlocked it! I ran as fast as SE would allow me to the shops and bought some level 1 gear and a sword, bow and some arrows and went to kill some stuff! I probably should have subbed BST so I could kill 2 mobs at once, but I wanted the full experience, so I went with PLD/WAR and got to work on some worms. I was able to level for about a hour, and got to level 5 before it was time for my first run with my Dynamis shell. I showed up a hour early to the gather together time because I noticed a few of the leaders were already in Jeuno waiting. I re-geared BLM and warped to Jeuno. This shell is full of very polite and friendly people… not exactly what I’m used to. I don’t think I saw anyone swear even once.

Dynamis… holy crap.. dynamis… This is a long ass event. REAL LONG. 3.5hours. I had no idea it would be so long. It was pretty exciting at first, but after hour 2 I was beginning to wonder where these megabosses were, that were supposedly fun to kill. We did pop the megaboss, which wasn’t so mega, and wasn’t so hard. Playing BLM in that environment was certainly fun, and gave me a chance to test and play with some things. I still want to get my hands on a Sorcerer’s earring, which would have saved me both times I died during the event.

It took me a while to figure out who to ask within the shell about getting payouts from the excess gil that was farmed from the zone. Turns out, they don’t payout, and that the leader of the shell keeps it all for himself to upgrade relic or some shit. I’m not entirely thrilled about that, since all that is offered to the members for staying after the boss to farm is 1 extra point. I might try and find a different shell, or start losing sleep to run with a friend’s shell. I’d rather get some gil while lotting for gear. I’m not really wealthy within the game, and every little bit helps. We’ll see what happens in the next few weeks.

After Dynamis, it was PLD time again! Woooo! I went out in my Bronze gear for a while, and then was able to upgrade. I stayed up for quite a while playing on PLD until I hit level 10. I decided to get a buffer and ended up almost hitting 11 before I died to an air elemental. After that, I called it a night. The plan is to get my PLD caught up to Sabene’s DRK and to level up to subjob level with her together.

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