Wednesday, December 8, 2010

yo ho faggots.

Ok, so yeah. FINALLY a post. Lots to discuss, and even more to come. haha, "come". ok lets get into it.
But before I begin...


ok lets go.
Carste and I have basically become the biggest-dick-ballers possible. Let me explain.

As of last night, Carste and I have decided to take a super extended break from the AbsolutePerfection endgame linkshell that we've been a part of for the past numerous months. We're coming back to TheBrotherhood. (Thats right falkfag, time to serverswap home.) We've neglected our friends long enough, and we've got the tools to get our friends the things they need to become BDB(big dick ballers) just like us, and so we're going to do it. Also, expect more updates here, because I mainly haven't been updating much because I was so bored with what we were doing.

I don’t know if I’ve touched upon it before, but let me take the time to say, Well geared NIN + well geared Curespam WHM = win at everything forever.. well, at least if you’re us. We’ve duoed everything *except turl* so far that we needed to kill. We are awesome. K I’m done.

We've been talking about leveling an alternate character that Carste has been keeping as a Jeuno mule for a BRD, just to make our dicks hard. We're considering SMN burning his BLM to 30, and unlocking BRD, and then if the first smn burn went well, we'll do it again to 30 and abyssea leech him to 85 and just skillup as we go. We'll probably take turns getting him through the necessary missions and quests to get into the area's we'll need his help in .

We've actually come into a THF account from a friend who can't play at the moment, Buckeyespud. His laptop shit the bed. Wishing he makes a swift return, but not too swift. THF3 mule is hawtness.
I'm rather glad we've been given the opportunity to use Buckeyespud, as he's saved our asses by sacrificing his own on more than one occasion. NIN tank wipe, take hate from me, Flee away and die and it gives me time to get Carste up and let him 2hr so he's unweakend and the fight can continue as usual. Also, by then, we've tagged it with TH, so we're good to go. :D

Ok, lets get into the boring shit.

Absolute Virtuefag

Absolute Virtue Zerg, great success. It took about 40 minutes of holding, and 30 seconds to kill. I have no idea what dropped, but we got our titles. Woo! We also get a decent MAB atma from that title, but I think it's also a MP-50% or some shit. Totally not worth it.

It only took Carste and I nearly 20 times to kill bakka before we got my Goetia chain.. and then the update came around and Bakka is now a 10min respawn. FML. Fail fail fail fail fail. Still gotta get one for Carste and other friends.

Last week in AP was a free week to prep for the update coming. Carste and I (and a duoboxed Buckeyespud) got a level 37sync party in East Ronfaure[s] and were able to level some subjobs so we won't be the gimpzors. Got SCH to an appropriate level for the new 90 cap, so my WHM will be all set. Also, on a personal exciting note: With the new level cap, I suspect I'll finally be able to get the +10 or more that I've been fighting for with my Boost-STAT spells.

Did some other random abyssea garbage with Carste and his boy-pet Topler. We were able to farm the base feet for a few of our jobs in various zones. I was able to get my WHM feet and upgrade them to the +1 which is a bonus for my Bar-spell and enhancing magic build.

Carste helped me farm my 15 bottled pixies for my Cure staff in record time. Now I just need to rape a lot of elemental's on light's day. Should have that trial finished up this weekend I would imagine. By the time my staff is done I’ll be sitting at 32% cure potency with capped fastcast on healing magic and a pretty low recast on Cure 5. I'm considering buying the HQ version of the Noble's tunic, since the new WHM AF body doesn't have better cure potency on it like I thought it would.. might be a waste of gil though.

In this post, I'm going to go over the list of goals I made a long time ago, and add and cross some off... Lets see now..

Obtain Hachariyu Haidate - Fuck you sarameya
Obtain Byakko's Haidate - Obtained 2/20/2010
Cap polearm for SAM - Not really needed anymore.
Raja's ring - Obtained 2/13/2010
Get whatever item I need to unlock my Zenith legs - long since done.
Get HQ staves - Aquilo's, Pluto's - Have all the necessary ones.
Get Brutals earring - done
Loquacious earring - done
Divine might earring - done
Goliard body
Finish merits on BLM - I'll find out where I'm at with this later
Elemental Obi's - Still need my thunder. God i'm lazy.
Increase my Mog safe/inventory for stupid gear I don't need but still have
Get some FOV tabs and start doing augment fights - meh
Max my MP merits - finished forever ago
Floor up for Nyzul - @30 - Still need to do this
Max my Campaign medals - - Fuck this.
Unlock BRD - Fuck this
Unlock PLD - levled this a little
MAYBE finish AF for my 3 jobs... not likely
Finish Sandy missions -
Finish COP - Compeleted 2/12/2010
Finish TOAU missions -Shield of Diplomacy
Finish Zilart missions -Ark Angels
Finish WOTG missions - Working on this
Buy/start ASA missions - Fuck this
MKE missions -Welcome! To my Decrepit Domicile- Fuck this.. for now

AND NOW FOR THE NEW REVISED LIST (not in order of importance):

1. Finish my Cure Potency Magian trial staff
2. Finish my Thunder MAB Magian Trial staff
3. Finish my Ice MAB Magian trial Staff
4. Finish my TP Bonus Magian Great Katana trial
5. Obtain WHM relic legs
6. Obtain Witchstone
7. Finsih SAM AF3
8. Finish WHM AF3
9. Finish my Nyzul floors
10. Start my Nyzul weapons
11. Goliard Saio
12. Get Thunder Obi
13. Get Gorget's for WS.
14. Level all applicable subs to 49 and NPC low level gear
15. Obtain the new Stoneskin+ pieces.
16. Finish WOTG
17. Finish Zilart missions
18. Finish MKE missions
19. Finish Sandy missions
20. Get my Curor Bonuses abyssites

This is my short list for now. The things I want to accomplish for my friends is a much longer list.. like lowmaning Limbus bosses.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Ok, so apparently I have a shit ton to cover here…

First of all. Blam.

I was first on the list to obtain these sexy pants. These make my MP go for miles and miles.. Also they help me get within 1% of the fast cast cap for my cures. (20% from merits, 15 from cure clogs, 12 from legs) Also, once I get my cure potency staff upgraded so that my C5’s will be doing 1k , I’ll be rocking a 65MP Cure 5 in Light Arts. My Cure5 heals about 915HP right now. Sadly, I’m now Perma-WHM.

Sadly, that’s the only Af3 I’ve obtained so far. I’m close to getting my SAM legs, and not so close to getting BLM legs, but I’m working on those slowly.
We had a Sea week with AP. Did the normal Jailers. We got super lucky first day in the week with Ix’Drg popping 3x in one night, so we didn’t need to camp him any more. That was always my least favorite part of Sea. Farming Ix’Drg.

I was able to get my hands on this cape, which is useful for both my jobs, and my enhancing build on WHM! My Boost-MND gives +8 now! Still trying to find a way to max it out to +10, but I don’t think it’s possible until the next update, or without a lot more Enhancing + gear.

Also, got this nasty little thing. Hell yes. BLM is coming along nicely. I’ve long since maxed out my merits on all my jobs, and the only job without capped EXP is SAM.. but we’re working on that.

This week we were prepping for an Absolute Virtue zerg. I was pretty excited, as I always am, to fight really intense monsters. I was on WHM for the JOL’s and AV. After we killed JOL, I R3 spammed a few people for about 40mins while everyone job changed and we practiced bard rotations. We finally engaged with about 12 minutes before it was due to depop. An alliance with 1 WHM in each pt, Sam’s, War’s, a Drg for Angon, and all the other defense lowering stuff . The zerg went incredibly well, but we wiped at 17% I think. Might have been lower. The War’s and Sam’s parsed well, but the Drg was holding us back big time. The other 2 parties in the alliance died due to lack of cures and Meteor spamming. My party followed shortly thereafter. It was a good attempt, and I hope we try it again soon.

Holy fuck, what’s next?...

I helped Janko kill some Shaggoth for Magian trial. That was a good time.

Carste and I have been duoing everything in Abyssea. Don’t have too much to show for it, but we’re working on that. Absolute Perfection has really gotten us the best Atma’s so far. We’re still hoping to get a few more good ones, but we’ve got the ones that make the most difference. 10Mp/tick refresh = Awesome for WHM, and the –enmity isn’t terrible either.

Carste’s NIN has become disgustingly good since the update. Both in and out of Abyssea. The SAM RDM duo is long since dead. NIN WHM is the only way to go now. I have endless MP, and with Refresh and Magic Acc atma’s, I can nearly land capped Paralyze and Slow on everything. The 30-40min Quasimodo duo is now a 10min fight with NIN. Sadly, drops on him have been garbage lately. That fight is so easy, I sac pull and keep Carste alive weakened for half the fight.

Duo’d Lord Varney with little problems, when I’m not retarded. The problems being that I’m retarded… Yeah.

Another Cuelebre duo. This time for Veralynn who wanted the dagger. Instead of the WHM RDM setup we had done in the past, BLM RDM was more applicable since the 10MP/tick refresh atma had been obtained. Took less than 13 minutes to kill. Carste could probably solo that in 30mins. Granted he doesn’t get petrified..yeah.

ZNM’s! I forget if I posted our awesomesauce duo of Nosferatu. But we did it. We had 2 buyers for gear, but sadly it didn’t drop any. Anataboga killed.

NIN/??? WHM/SCH, Achamoth kill. This was intended to be a duo, but Zaross wanted to come and he geared up PLD/RDM so he could zone the pops… But he DC’d right before and during the fight, so I ended up taking the pops to the zoneline and leaving carste all by himself. Zaross did come back and finish his job. This could more than likely actually be a duo with NIN/DNC WHM/RDM. I started to run out of mp from zoning so much and not being able to rest, so refresh and convert would make that an easy fight.

Another 6man Sarameya.


We're pretty cute. Just sayin.

Opted to drop the COR for someone with Treasure Hunter this time. We had planned on doing this as a 5man without the BRD but our BRD pal ended up being able to come, and it turns out we could probably do this duo’d SAM/WAR WHM/SCH, but that seems just a little risky for all the work it takes to get one of those pops.

Our Sarameya was alive for about 5 minutes. He went down so fast that I felt cheated out of my fight. 2 SAM’s is just too much. Maybe next time we won’t dispel his regen to actually make it a challenge. Drops: Oracle’s hat, and other gil items. No pants ; ;. I’ll never get those, but it’s fun to try.

After the Sarameya, We stole Zerayla and Athoz, and went to Abyssea to see if we could get them some seals. It was good to play with them again, Since I hadn’t had the opportunity in ages.

After they both went to bed, Carste and I went to Abyssea - Konschtat to kill a few NM’s that we both wanted drops from. Neither of us got our drops, and we ended our night by attempting Turul.. which as always, is a terrible idea.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Quite a bit to cover, so lets get to it, HERE’S ANOTHER BORING BLOG POST.

So recently, Carste has been coming NIN to Abyssea with AP, and it turns out, that the atmas make him do more damage on NIN than I do on SAM. He nearly has a 50% crit hit ratio, which is awesome, so we can duo stuff WHM and NIN.. except for I have no refresh on my WHM in abyssea, not counting Sublimation, which leads me to my next part of this post..

So I finally bought ASA on Friday. The atma and PDT pants I’ll get are too good to pass up. I’m already on number 8 or 9 thanks to Carste. I hope to be on the last fight by Friday, and get my atma and pants by Saturday, just in time for Abyssea. I’m making quick work of these missions, but the one I’m on now seems like a pain, so I’ve been putting it off.

Had a bit of trouble getting to one of the cloister zones because I’m a stubborn retard. Decided it would be easier to PDT aggro my way through Cape Terigan instead of s/i my way.

I missed my Dynamis run with ROR on Tuesday last week. I was just too tired to attend.

Duo’d Nosferatu with Carste. (you’ll see 2 other people in the pt on the screenshots, those people were buyers for gear that could drop), Took us about 45 minutes to kill, and we both got charmed and turned into bats a few times. That was fun! The poor THF kept randomly taking our hate though, and would get either oneshotted or charmed.

Finally finished my Vermin trial on my Great Katana. Onto an assload of Manticores (I think). I’m not really sure when this becomes better than Hagun.

Also finished another trial on my Thunder staff. I finally have the version that’s better than the Jupiter’s staff. That slime trial took me an estimated 6 hours to do. What a pain in the ass. Glad it’s over.

I realized recently that I still had the drops from the Sarameya we had fought, so decided to do something with them. I had noticed that the Cerberus hide had been dropping very steeply in price, so I decided to wait to see if it went back up, and it never did. Athoz eventually told me to hold off on selling it, and he would try to make a Cerberus Mantle (+1) out of it once he got his leathercraft up. Well, Athoz ran out of gil at LC96, so I enlisted the help of a 100+5 leathercrafter to try and make us a +1 mantle to sell. He desynthed about 4 mantle’s before he lost the hide. Oh well. Sucks, but it happens. It was a chance I was willing to take to split the 3m between the remaining 4 people who still play.

Carste offered to help me skill up my Parrying level, since it was so gimp. I decided now was as good a time as ever to finish getting my Boxer’s Mantle. I cashed out the 250k in ABC’s in upper jeuno and bought it. It was kinda fun doing the parrying at first, but after a while it got real dull. I think I got over 30 levels though!

Abyssea with AP last night. TIDAL WAVE! Lol, Jala wondered into our –ga burn of all the mobs and decided to kill us all instantly.

Also some Ironclad fun. No closer to a +2 though. We’ve been spamming the Tier 2 VNM and it still hasn’t changed. Stupid stupid stupid.

Looking to solo some stuff this week to make some gil. I’m awfully broke.

Friday, October 8, 2010

I always have issues figuring out what I posted and what I haven’t….

Recently did some KS99 with AP. No speed belt for me. >.<, but I was able to get my pal Dragonsbane his Wyrm beard for his Black Belt.. he’ll probably never finish the set though.

I’ll post some big baller screenshots of magic bursts.

That new SAM JA really boosts that first MB by a lot.

AP killed one of the zone bosses for Abyssea- Misareaux, Cirein-croin! After killing this, I was able to be infused with 2 atma’s instead of just one. Lovely! Also, Carste got to NIN for the night, and tank. Nice to know NIN/DRK can still be done effectively. He had hate 80% of the fights.

Dynamis Jeuno. Had a weird DC issue. No WHM legs, bah. Waste of my time. Didn’t even get any skillups.

Last night:

Carste and I were supposed to have a NM killing night, but that faggot got into a terrible EXP Abyssea pt, and I had to come SAM to speed shit up so he could hit 80 faster and leave.

Abyssea- Vunkerl, Carste and I decided to give Quasimodo another shot… and instead of it taking 45minutes to wipe, we won within 25 minutes, minimal issues. However, no drops…Hellllo STR+ Atma.

So, we whooped that faggot right? Lets pop another… This time I’ll pull! … fuck I linked a few, I’ll drag them to the conflux… hold the NM!... OK I’m back, let me take hat- fuck I died! Hold the NM! OHSHIT YOU PROCED THE !!, Ok I’m unweakened! I’ll take it fro- Fuck we both died… ugh.

But we did find out that the terrorize move he does is a gaze, so if I turn around next time we do this, it will be less MP intensive, Carste will have less hate, and I won’t be terrorized for 4-5 minutes for each fight… even though it gives good evasion skill ups!

We moved to Abyssea- Misareaux to pop some NM’s and check on some roaming ones. Gugamatz was a no-show the first and second time we checked him. We decided to kill the bird (crow looking one) NM, we won easily, even though he had a silence aura or some shit and carste kept whining about me taking damage, and that his MP pool was below 900. Killed Sirrush for shit drops. Checked Gugamatz again, this time there was other people waiting for it to pop. We waited about 10minutes before we said fuck it, and left the zone. That was about it for the night. I’m having a good time playing SAM, and utilizing the PDT and enmity sets I made. Makes it seem worthwhile.

I got these nice rings, two of them..Finally. I’ve been wanting them a long time, but they were upwards of 1mi each up until recently.

Good for my Paralyze and Slow macros, which I’ll never use. I’m going to fulltime one of them on my WHM, and take out the Ether ring. -10MP and gain 4MND, a good choice, especially all FFXI is anymore is abyssea, and I have a huge MP pool anyway. Nobody wants to read about my small or gear changes. But I do hope they increase our inventory somehow. I don’t want to buy a goddamned key token for the + inventory from the satchel.