Alright, so the update has come and gone, and HOLY SHIT THERE ARE NEW ITEMS TO GEEEET. (Not that I even have a good portion of the good gear that was to be had before the update) There is some pretty sweet stuff, and I hope that SE is going to be expanding on the Gobbie bag quests, because there is too much stuff that I want to get, and too much stuff that I still need. So, I’m going to make a -small- list, and my small group of readers can help me make changes to it. :)
I’m still wanting this, because so far, I haven’t been able to find a cape that gives anything more than +5 Enfeebling Magic.
There are quite a lot of other peices I can buy, that will enhance the potential of my BLM, that I can't afford right now. I could upgrade a good portion of my BLM gear from NQ to HQ and things like that, get some +1's. I think the first upgrade I'm going to get is to take this

There is also these that I'm needing to get, I almost have all the organs I need, just another hour or so farming and I should be able to get these. I'm not entirely sure how I'm going to manage my macros with them though, I do predict a total rewrite of all BLM macros in the near future.
There are quite a lot of other peices I can buy, that will enhance the potential of my BLM, that I can't afford right now. I could upgrade a good portion of my BLM gear from NQ to HQ and things like that, get some +1's. I think the first upgrade I'm going to get is to take this
and trade it in for this

It's quite a bit of gil, but the +2 will help in the long run. I've been getting annoyed with my BLM getting resisted or partial resists on sleeps and gravity.
I've been considering joining a Dynamis shell to get some gear and some gil. We'll have to see how that works out for me..
There is also these that I'm needing to get, I almost have all the organs I need, just another hour or so farming and I should be able to get these. I'm not entirely sure how I'm going to manage my macros with them though, I do predict a total rewrite of all BLM macros in the near future.

There is also these, which I'm slowly working on getting to replace the Cobra unit feet.
And I'm going to be needing these in the distant future, for my HP pushdown, and so I can toss the ugly Vicious Mufflers. Carste and I were talking about farming and duoing Genbu, but I don't think we're gonna have very much time for that with all the new stuff that came out, and with my new list of goals
I'm going to wait until there are some photos of the new items up on Wiki before I start ranting about wanting those items. Being at work, makes this post kinda difficult, because I don't remember all the items I want by name, and I can't look them up because work blocks all those wiki-like sites. Kinda sucks.
I remember there were a couple pieces that I could get with Magic Accuracy on them, on slots where I didn't have Enfeebling magic already, but I guess I'm going to have to wait until I get home to check those again.
I would really really like this for my BLM standing gear, so I can get rid of my Black Cloak and can equip a headpiece for standing. Plus the Magic Defence Bonus wouldn't hurt either, since I'm usually getting hit with -ga spells.
Now for my other goals,
Getting Dryadic Abjuration: Legs
Obtain Byakko's Haidate - Obtained 2/20/2010Cap polearm for SAM
Raja's ring - Obtained 2/13/2010
Get whatever item I need to unlock my Zenith legs
Get HQ staves - Aquilo's, Pluto's
Get Brutals earring
Loquacious earring
Divine might earring
Goliard body
Finish merits on BLM - I'll find out where I'm at with this later
Elemental Obi's
Increase my Mog safe/inventory for stupid gear I don't need but still have
Get some FOV tabs and start doing augment fights
Max my MP merits - 5/8
Floor up for Nyzul - @30
Max my Campaign medals - @ the one right beyond being able to do splitting heirs
Unlock BRD
Unlock PLD
MAYBE finish AF for my 3 jobs... not likely
Finish Sandy missions
Finish COP - Compeleted 2/12/2010
Finish TOAU missions -Shield of Diplomacy
Finish Zilart missions -Ark Angels
Finish WOTG missions - Back to the beginning
Buy/start ASA missions
MKE missions -Welcome! To my Decrepit Domicile
Get HQ staves before the enfeebling torque.