Monday, April 26, 2010

Wednesday Night was an interesting night for myself. I got invited to a Chigoe burn in Caedarva Mire, which is something I had never heard of before. Turns out, this is a good spot to burn 52-55ish. I got to nuke on BLM for a bit, and then got to change to my 52THF and was the levelsync until we disbanded. I got THF up to 54.

After the Chigoe Burn, I went to level my DNC. No, it’s not going to 75, but I do need it for SAM sub, and it’s been something I’ve been putting off for quite a while. It’s been sitting at level 10. I was able to team up with a couple bst’s who were leveling around me.

Thursday Night: This night consistsed of me doing a bit more DNC leveling. I was able to get it to 13, and then put my flag up in hopes of getting a smn burn invite. After seeking for 40~ minutes, I decided to do something different, and asked a few friends if they would be interested in going to the Valley of Sorrows to do some more augment fights. On my way back to San d’Oria, I got a invite for a smn burn, lol. The leader told me it would be about 40mins before the pull was completed, so I still had time to do the augment fights. So Athoz and Reauland ran up to VOS and quickly popped, and got some shitty augments. Athoz got Water + on his Igqira Weskit I think, and I got some elemental resistance on my Errant Slops. I plan on doing a few more of these very soon.

After the fights, I swapped to DNC and ran out to K-tunnel. Sadly, the leader was slow, and I informed her that I only had a hour and a half before I had to go to assault static, but I never got my chance to burn, which was probably good, since they seemed to be getting shitty pulls anyway.

It was time for another Lebros Cavern static, and I was excited. Since I suck at math, I convinced myself I was getting Yigit tonight, but I was 500~ points short by the end of the night, and everyone else was very close as well. Next week’s run should get all of us Yigit, which, to my understanding, is the best BLM feet that I can get.

Friday Night: I didn’t do much, if I remember correctly. I do remember waking up in the middle of the night and glancing over at my laptop and seeing that people were trying to kill Shaggoth, and wiping epically. So I woke myself up a little and geared WHM and headed out to assist with a kill, since it seemed they needed it lol. We were able to kill Shaggoth, and I got the killshot with Holy.. sadly I was too sleepy to remember to screenshot anything during the fight.

Saturday: Did not log in.

Sunday: Logged in around 7PM, just in time to do a ENM with Sjoidjgo. Sadly, no payout, so I went afk until I decided it was time to do some Campaign, and I teamed up with Athoz, geared WHM/NIN, and went out to battle. I did 3-4 battles, and got around 4k exp, but was unable to rank up. I’ll have to work on that tonight, because I’m getting close to my Patronus ring.

In other news, I officially quit my 1st Dynamis linkshell, and am now a full ROR member. Fuck yeah.

Tonight I hope to perhaps do an augment fight in VOS, rank up in campaign, perhaps do a BCNM run with Carste (I think I might have enough seals for an orb too), and if at all possible, SMN burn my DNC. I also need to do some Genbu farming in the near future. Carste keeps telling me he'll help me farm it, but that fucker isn't online very often anymore (I know you're reading this, faggot), so I'll probably tease Athoz about his MP pool on BLM until he's insecure about it and is wanting that 50MP boost for Zenith Mitts. :)

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