Friday ended up being a fairly productive evening for me. Carste and I continued our pointless Kraken Club BCNM static. We pop whenever we get 60 seals. This time, I had 60. This BCNM is a pretty easy duo on BLM’s, and is a lot of fun. Sadly though, we’re not millions richer. Not to worry though, I think we have another pop to do still.
After the BCNM, I helped Carste level his WAR by PL’ing him in Beaucedine Glacier for a bit while we waited for our first night of the Wings of the Goddess mission static to begin!!
We headed to Garlaige Citadel [s] for the first fight of the static, where we went as Zerayla (DRG), Hesper (SCH), Carste (BLM), me (BLM) and owned the fight. After doing some CS’s and some farming of items we were off to Jugner Forest [s] for our 2nd NM for the night, which we also wrecked. Carste swapped to NIN, Zer to leetSAM, Hesper to RDM and I swapped to WHM and took this down too easily. We ended the static run with that. Sadly (well, not sadly) I won’t be able to join them again for the next 2 weekends because I’m going to be visiting my girlfriend at college because she has a Honor Society banquet and awards ceremony. I won’t mind if the static continues without me, but if they do I’ll bend over backwards to catch up. I want to have these missions done, but also don’t want to hold up everyone else. (sorry, no screenshots)
After the static, there was a Royal Ramble KSNM run that had been organized in the LS. Someone hadn’t been able to make the time so I offered to sub in as WHM, and got to bring a orb as well. The runs went off without a hitch.
At this point, I thought Vepion had managed to pull a ton of hate and got smacked really hard, but actually he used role reversal, lolpup.
After the run I went to bed.
On Saturday I decided to try and augment my Rainbow cape to have something worthwhile on it, so I recruited Zaross and Shortietink to assist me in my quest to obtain Magic Attack Bonus +9. We traveled to the Valley of Sorrows and I got my chapter and popped Skahnowa, the turtle. The thing with this NM is, that it is sometimes immune to certain things, and sometimes has a blaze spike that has 100% paralyzing effect.. And the first time we popped this, we got that paralyzing effect. Zaross was on PLD/DNC and shortie came on DRG and I was on WHM. I ran out of MP trying to paralyna both of them and Zross ended up dying, but Shortietink was able to kill it and I got a augment on my cape… Earth resistance +13…. Grrreat. I said /p Earth resistance. How useless. Shortietink also popped the turtle using beastmen seals to gain EXP.
After the Valley of Sorrows run, I ran as fast as I could to Ifrit’s Cauldron to help Anderoc kill Opo-opo’s on Firesday which he’s killing for the Magian quest or whatever. It was rather hard to do on SAM since I don’t have /dnc leveled. I ended up having to /heal a few times during the hour, but I think overall he and I killed quite a few more than he would have been able to kill solo. I don’t get the opportunity to help Anderoc very often, and he is constantly helping everyone else who needs it, so it was nice to be able to do that for a change.
After I was done with Anderoc, I got a tell from my friend Kawanomu, asking for my help doing a Rostrum Pumps run that he had set up on He didn’t get as many people to show up that signed up on the fourm. While waiting to pop, my friend Athoz signed on and asked what I was doing, and told him and he decided to come play with us :D. He came on THF and saved me a few times from getting killed. It took quite a long time for everyone to gather and to recruit a few more people, but once the fights started getting under way, it was lots of fun, and was good first hand experience fighting this NM, since I plan on getting my own pop set and popping it with Sabene at some point since she and I are wanting the pumps. This NM spawn is interesting, because once you trade the pop item to the ???, an Antlion will pop and it spawns other Antlions, and you have to kill them, and feed the first Antlion TP in hopes of it popping the NM you need to kill to get the Rostrum Pumps. This NM spawns Stonega spells… and guess who got a earth resistance cape today?! Haha! FUCK YOU SQUARE ENIX, I WIN AGAIN! It didn’t make that big of a difference in my damage taken from the spells, but it did help a little, and the irony was funny. This was a really fun NM to do on WHM, and I assume it would be fun on BLM too. The only thing that was crappy about this run was the eliteist RDM. He was such a douchebag and it took a lot of self control and a lot of venting to Athoz to keep me from ripping his head off and letting him die every time he took hate. Never doing anything with his obnoxious ass again.
I went AFK for a little while after the Rostrum pops, and came back just in time to do Limbus! I usually have a pretty good time in Limbus, and this run was no exception. Here’s some random screenshots.
We got 6 coins each! Finally, a decent payout. Brutal Earring here I come!
After Limbus, it was finally time, for the LS DIVINE MIGHT run! We’ve had a lot of members needing this (including myself) so we finally set a date and buckled down and got some wins! Very well led and very well fought. We did have 1 wipe on the first run, but that was to be expected. This was probably one of the coolest BCNM zones I’ve been in so far, and I took a ton of screenshots, so here they are!
Run 2
We had a bunch of funny deaths, and good killshots. This fight wasn’t as hard as I thought it was going to be. We won and I got my Bushinomimi for my SAM. Finally, I can sell my Minstrel’s earring.
To celebrate the success of another LS event, Carste, Sjoidjgo, Zerayla, Vepion, Sethidus and I went out for a hot merit pt. Carste, Zer and myself went Polarm Samurai, Vepion was on COR, Sethiduz was on BRD, and Sjoidjgo was on WHM/SCH. This was a shit load of fun, and I got to skillup my polearm, and was actually doing pretty decent damage even though I was pretty far under cap. Carste got a screenshot of me doing 1300~ damage on Penta Thrust :D.
After the merit pt, regardless that it was 3AM, I went to help falk with a MMM NM, which was something I had never done before. The Buggard ran at flee speeds at all time, and was pretty fun to fight, although I died. After the fight, I logged off and went to bed.
The next day (Sunday) I logged in and joined a manaburn pt with Athoz, Fieryblizzard, Sjoidjgo, and some other people who were seeking for pt. It lasted for about 2hrs and we ended up getting ~16k exp.
During the burn, Sjoidjgo and I were talking about possibly doing a Summoner burn later in the day, but we were both unsure of our PC’s capabilities and didn’t know if we would lag out during/after the pull and holding the mobs, so he and I went to the Maze of Shakhrami to do some testing and see how hard it would be to pull things. The test runs went really well, and Sjoidjgo and I learned quite a bit.
After our testing, I ran to help Timwakefield and Exodusamphi kill Ungur. Easy fight, but it was fun.
AFKd a few hours.
Came back just in time to be late to lolDynamis-Bastok! Run was pretty boring except for me getting the win… AND THESE!! Gear on my 2nd run, not too shabby.
I left immediately after the run was over to go to Mount Zhalyom to test the new legs out on puddings since Iceday was coming up, and I could double up new gear (Ice obi + Sorcerer’s tonban) Here are some fun results from Iceday. I got invited to a party while I was up there and also got Hailstorm for more damage. FUN FUN FUN!
(Obviously meant Freeze 2)
And finally, last night (Monday).
Last night comprised of a few things that I didn’t plan on doing, but was still lots of fun! When I logged in, I ran out to Mount Zhalyom to kill Flan with Anderoc since he needed them for Magian quest. He had a full pt of JP players with him, lol. Carste joined us shortly after, and we killed a bunch during Firesday. After, we went up to Ru’Aun Gardens to kill Eraser, the augment NM for Carste and Anderoc. After they both popped their NM, we decided to to some tab farming on the Groundskeepers… and very very quickly popped Despot! Holy hell! We brought him down to the pond to kite and nuke… And I died, very quickly, but not before getting off 3-4 nukes and a Bio II.. I eventually died again after RR, and just Hp’d so that I wouldn’t have to wait for weakness to wear if I had to kite it if Anderoc and Carste both died. Thankfully, they didn’t, and they were able to kill it as I was running back to them. We went back to our tabs farming, when Halley shows up. Remember Halley from a few weeks ago? That asshole who kept killing my exp mobs in Xacarbard [s] that I MPK’d twice? Turns out she’s camping Despot, the one that we killed 20mins ago, and she doesn’t remember me at all, which is good, because now I get to fuck with her and make her waste her time. Here’s a screenshot of the /tells she and I exchanged.
So we finished our tabs farming, and left the zone. I checked a hour later, and Halley was still camping Despot. Sweet sweet revenge. I campaigned until I went to bed to continue my quest towards max medals (again).
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