On Tuesday last week, I was just standing around in Whitegate waiting for Limbus time so I would have something to do, when Exodusamphi, who was mining in Mount Zhayolm, mentioned in /l that a group was killing Cerberus. I quickly ran out to the spot where they were killing it, to watch the fight. I learned a little bit about how to kill it, and also got the TOD, which I supplied to our LS. I didn’t think we would actually kill it, or get claim even for that matter, but if we had gotten enough people interested, it would have been a pretty nice payout if we could have killed it. We never did though.
Finally it was time for Limbus. This was going to my first Ultima! Sorta exciting. This was actually the first Ultima for a lot of people in the Limbus shell I’m in. It went pretty well. We won. And Zerayla won a nice piece of gear. Here’s some shots!
I stunned Citadel Buster! Awesomesauce!
Didn’t play on Wednesday.
Thursday, Athoz and I decided to try and do some farming in Bostaunieux Oubliette on Manes. We waited for quite a while for him to pop, but he never did. Then it was time for Lebros Cavern Assault Static! We’re getting close to our goals of Yigit!
After the static, I joined a group forming in /shout that was killing Shaggoth and Lamprey Lord. Yes, I’m still after my earring! Unfortunately, the whole group was Japanese, so I didn’t understand anything. We killed Shaggoth/Lamprey 2x each, but no drops. ):
Lately I’ve been heavy on the Campaign, trying to max my rank out. I’ve been toying with WHM/NIN, which is producing the same results as SAM/WHM, and it’s a little more fun, lol.
Recently I joined a floor 20 Nyzul run that some LS members were putting together, they were the easiest floors I’ve ever done, and I got to see my first piece of Nyzul gear drop in close to 50 runs. Sadly, it was Denali, and of no use to me.
While I’m writing this, I’m not sure if Carste got this message, so I’ll put it here, I think he reads all this junk… Sanriku is wanting to buy Homam Gambieras for 2mil if you were still looking for buyers for the shell.
Last night was my first Limbus run I’ve ever been WHM to. Sadly, we were a little shorthanded, and the fights in my zone took a little longer than they should, and I ran out of mp, and everyone died. Lol.
After Limbus, I went to Dynamis- Bastok with RidersOfRohan. I really like running with this shell a lot more than the CigaretteSmugglers shell I’ve been with recently. We had a shit load of SCH drops, and Athoz got some new BLM pants which he can’t even wear yet lol.
Quit telling me about sanriku. We can get another mil on top of that for the feet, but we need about 10 more to drop before we cap.