Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Tuesday was Limbus. Normally, kinda boring.. but since the version update, SE and broke Aspir, and I was really having some fun with it.

Got an BLM burn in Sauromunge Champaign [s] which allowed me to burn an allied ring charge, as well as an emperor ring. Helllo EXP!

Finally got my BLM AF Hat fight done! Thanks Standpoint and Zerayla!!

Saturday night is the night our LS does VNM’s! We had planned to kill Shoggoth a few times that night, but about a hour before our start time, we saw a /shout in Whitegate for a group that was going to be killing Shoggoth and Lamprey Lord, so instead of possibly failing on our own, we went with the full alliance! We were able to kill it 7 or 8 times I think, and traveled all over to do it. We also got the Lamprey Lord Earring to drop… But I wasn’t able to win it.

On another note, my Colorful Abyssite changed to a yellow one, so I’ve gotta go get a new one.

Did some Exp with Touchstone and Marvolo and got my WHM76!

Did some Sea with AbsolutePerfection the other day. And afterwards, I got to do my first Abyssea!! We went after the Sandworm NM and Cloudxz was able to snag a pretty nasty great axe.

Did some Ix’Drg farming with the other BLM’s from AbsolutePerfection. He quickly popped for us, and we disbanded and started to nuke-zone. Vera died and I had to take over DOT’s. ): No elemental skillups for me.

Dynamis-Bastok was last night. Sadly, no 100c for me. But I did get this!

Nice for my Meditate setup, and I can macro it in for Provoke I think, when I do Gekko tanking.. Which isn’t very often.

Well, that’s all I’ve got for right now! Probably update in a few days.

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