Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Did another Omega on Tuesday and got paid from gear-buyers. Actually, the guy who bought from us gave us a 1mil tip. This gil was divided between members. We each got roughly 450k, which was just about the amount that I paid for all the coins for my Brutal Earring, so I was nearly back up to 2mil.

After Omega, I jumped back on PLD and Carste came with me to Valkrum Dunes to PL me through a page before Dynamis. After he left, I ended up getting a party and got a few levels.

The next day, I got a party on PLD in Batallia Downs [S] at a mandy camp that I’d never been to before. It was a breeze with Sigil Refresh/Regen, even while still under the effect of the Jack-O-Lantern I had ate the night before. This party brought my PLD to 25.

After the exp pt I decided it was time to start trying to actually get some gear from Nyzul Isle that I needed. I sat in Whitegate to wait for some /shouts for nyzul, and I joined one, setting my lot as Goliard. We went through the floors with about 2 minutes to spare and killed the boss with ease…and OMG GOLIARD DROP… but wait.. A hat? I had been under the impression I had joined a floor 80, but I had actually joined a floor 100. Anyway, I beat the 1 other person and walked away with my new Goliard hat. Useful for Stoneskin, HMP, and curing. Well, It’s not the Goliard body that I wanted, but it’s not horrible to have, and it’s better than getting nothing.

The next day, I’m not sure what I did. All I have record of in my screenshots folder is me helping Elden get some EXP on BLM doing puddings.

On Saturday we did Limbus, NE Apollyon, and Carste came back from lolquitting to run with us and lot chips. The run was quick and successful. Kawa died a few times so we got lots of coins.

After Limbus, I went to Mount Zhalyom with Anderoc to kill puddings so he could test out some gear. We teamed up with a BLM already out there and killed for a little under a hour which helped my buffer a little bit.

My PLD is progressing rather quickly. I formed a late night party for Vepion’s WAR and myself in Yuhtunga Jungle and I went from level 23-25 or 26 or something. I don’t really remember. It was a pretty decent party, and it was the first pt I actually used DEF food, and I couldn’t believe the difference it made.

The next night, I joined another Nyzul shout in order to try to lot on more gear, but we didn’t get any drops. Did kill Serket though, the ??? ring appraised to crap.

After that I went out to help Vepion level his WAR some more by PLing on WHM. There was another WHM already there, so we spent some time curing and devotioning each other. Eventually Hesper got bored and wanted to try to flex his WHM penis muscles by lolmelee. My hexa strike is tha best.

After the Vepion’s pt was over, Vep opened his Mog House to visitors and we got to go inside and play around… well, ok you got me. I spent 10mins chasing Hesper doing /em humps Hesper.

That’s all for now. More to come!

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