Monday, April 11, 2011

Masamune, PW, and random shit.

As usual, this doesn’t get updated that often. I took a 1.5month break from the game, due to not having reliable internet/not wanting to sit at home, but I’m back now. Been playing for 3 nights now, and I missed this game. The last 3 days, I forgot to take screenshots, so there may not be a lot of those…

Before my break, our small group was working on our Emperyan weapons. Both Zerayla and I were extremely close to finishing… Well not finishing, but at least to the point to where we would have the emperyan weaponskill. Well, my first night back was shortly after the servers got turned back on after they were shut off, and we finished my Fudo that night.

We got lucky, and for a while we were unchallenged at Heqet, so we were able to get the KI’s we needed. We quickly popped the NM, and I got my lanterns! FUDO HERE I CUM.

So I went to turn my Masamune in, and received Tachi: Fudo, FINALLY. Obviously, we needed to go play with it, so I got on SAM, and Carste followed me out to Abyssea –Misareaux to test it. With RR/VV/Apoc atma’s I was hitting Fudo anywhere from 1.3k to 3.6k. I’m willing to bet I can get consistent 4k’s with a little work on gear and other things. Best part is, Fudo -> Fudo closes my own light skillchain! Many thanks to everyone who helped with this!! Now we just need to finish Zerayla’s!

Carste and I have been working on getting WHM up to par on Buckmule. He’s finally in the 80’s, and has gear. Last night I got him a Augur’s Jaseran for his WHM, and unlocked Scholar on him, so we can work on that for his subjob. I haven’t started leveling it yet, but I’m hoping that with the new update for EXP at lower levels, it won’t be the terrible grind that 1-20 used to be. Also, having another character which can PL will make shit easier. We also need to work on Buck’s cure staff, and I need to get him some solid macros, but we’re working on that.

Working steadily towards being able to fight Dynamis Lord in Dynamis – Xarcabard, and almost there! My 2nd night back into the game, I was able to get Buck into a Dynamis- Beauc run, for the win he needed. I brought him to it on WHM, and I joined for the fun on SAMfudo. I’m fairly sure that the entire shell I was in (Utterchaos) /blisted me, because I was /l Fudooooooooooo spamming all night long.

Good news on that though, is that Fudo has constant numbers outside abyssea. If I remember correctly, the lowest Fudo was 1150~, with the highest being 3000~. Dynamis Lord’s gonna eat my big purple swordpenis. (Thanks to Soulstar for getting me into that run!)

TheBrotherhood has more or less decided to farm a Pandemonium Warden popset, for the sole purpose of wiping for the lol’s. I think this is a great idea, and I’m all for it! I’m not entirely sure that the gear he offers is even relevant anymore… but the Atma we would potentially get for beating him would be nice to have… if we actually thought we would win, lol.

New post: 4/5/2011

As of this Tuesday, we’re planning on winning the Pandemonium Warden fight. It was decided that it’s too much work to get the popset, and not plan for a win (plus, planning big fights is fun!). However, not only are we committing to actually farming a popset, we’re going to have to commit to beefing up our members so we have a fighting chance. That means getting my 5hit masamune setup up and running. That requires I put some serious work into getting my Rose Strap and my Sam body +2.

We did a few Ulhuadshi pops in order to finish off Zerayla’s DRG Emperyan Weapon! That makes 3 Emperyan weapons for our crew now!! Sexy. Also, got a handful of +2 upgrade items in the process.

Carste and I compeleted up to floor 90 on my Nyzul assaults, even getting through 10 floors on a single tag! Just 10 more to go, and then I can unlock Tachi: Rani, and maybe even the WHM weaponskill, just for fun.

We even did a boss floor, which we destroyed. The boss was dead so fast I didn’t get to take a screenshot.

Carste and I dragged Buckfag out to Valley of Sorrows on his not-30 SCH to get him up to 30 so we could drag him into Abyssea.

Ever since SE unlocked the once-a-day FOV fights, this makes leveling jobs faster. He and I got Buck a few levels before we called it a night. The next day, apparently Carste was bored, because he spent 4 hours finishing Buck’s level 30 SCH, so it was Abyssea ready.
We spent 2 hours the next day in Abyssea doing Dominion Ops on Buck so he could get up to 49, and we even got a few KI’s from gold chests while we were at it. All Buck has left to do, is to finish off his cure staff and hit level 90! We’re still planning on WHMing him for Dynamis Lord, and probably for PW also.

Last night, Aimie and I (and later, Anderoc) got together to burn a few Ningishzida pops, hoping for SAM seals for me, and WHM seals for Aimie. As usual, this guy tends to be a fucking pain in the ass with his Serpentine Tail. We went with Xean on NIN tank this time, which turned out better than MNK tanking. Although, we did nearly wipe once. Anderoc was able to come assist us with procing Red and Green! We ended up being able to snag the KI for all 4 pops we did, so now we have 4 Alfard pops, which I’m looking forward to doing. Luckily, Aimie ended the night with 9/10 WHM seals, however, no SAM seals dropped for me. Aimie says she has a VNM pop we can do in order to farm those for me, so hopefully we’re going to do that soon!

After the Ningishzida pops, Zerayla AFK’d and I took up the task of farming up some Zeni and Jettons for the upcoming ZNM fights we’ll be needing. I ended the night with 2.5k Zeni, which isn’t a lot, but there isn’t a lot I can do when the mob needed is “Bat flocks”. I went to Abyssea Vunkerl and netted about 66 Zeni for each plate.

Monday 4/11/11
Jesus,  I should really post this before it gets any larger...

We did some Lacovie pops, and got Goading Belts for those of us who needed them. (finally) That same night I also got my SAM neck piece, which is needed for my 5 hit Masamune setup. As of now, the only piece I’m missing is the Rose Strap, which I could get away with not having for PW if I use Store TP food, but I’m still going to work on getting it.

Friday ended up being really productive. Athoz, Zerayla and I (and the mules) started off the night by popping ZNM’s on the Sarameya path. We started with Brass Borer, and killed him with no problems. We quickly traded it in for an Anataboga pop, and we killed that also.

So now we have a tier 3 pop for Sarameya, but we’re hoping we won’t need it. After the Anataboga pop, we popped a Chigoe, which died surprisingly fast. I remember that little fuck being a bouncing pain in the ass sometimes, but he went down in under 5 seconds. Fudo -> Fudo -> Light = lol

After the Chigoe, we traded it in for a Verdelet pop, and we killed that also.

ZNM’s are easy now, but PW will probably still be a pain in the ass.
I spent my Saturday farming Zeni on Buckeyespud and myself, preparing for the tier 3 and 4’s. Luckily on Sunday Sanraku wanted Dragons, and the Dhaks in Mount Zylm did nicely, and we got 99’s for a few hours.

Sunday, Carste and I decided to farm some BLM body seals, and we failed miserably, so we won’t talk about that.

We also decided to finish off my floor 100 Nyzul missions. We entered, attempting to go 10 floors on 1 tag from 90-100, but timed out at floor 99. We went again, and this time, succeeded. We later went back to Floor 20, with hopes of getting myself Askar feet for my MDT/PDT set. We went 1/1 on them! Need to update macros, ughughugh.
After the Nyzul run, we went out to finish off Buck’s current Cure staff trial. It took about a hour for wind weather to hit, and we had been holding a handful of spiders at 5% with sleepga and evasion thf.

After the weather hit, and buck’s staff trial was finished, we decided to enter Nyzul again, for muiltple purposes. 1. Buck’s staff trial needed kills in light weather. 2. I still needed Goliard pants for my mage PDT set. We breezed through the 5 floors necessary, and quickly killed the boss. Behold: GOLIARD PANTS. 2/2 on gear in one day. Unbelievable.

Spent the rest of the night afk.
Like a boss.

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