So recently, Carste has been coming NIN to Abyssea with AP, and it turns out, that the atmas make him do more damage on NIN than I do on SAM. He nearly has a 50% crit hit ratio, which is awesome, so we can duo stuff WHM and NIN.. except for I have no refresh on my WHM in abyssea, not counting Sublimation, which leads me to my next part of this post..
So I finally bought ASA on Friday. The atma and PDT pants I’ll get are too good to pass up. I’m already on number 8 or 9 thanks to Carste. I hope to be on the last fight by Friday, and get my atma and pants by Saturday, just in time for Abyssea. I’m making quick work of these missions, but the one I’m on now seems like a pain, so I’ve been putting it off.
Had a bit of trouble getting to one of the cloister zones because I’m a stubborn retard. Decided it would be easier to PDT aggro my way through Cape Terigan instead of s/i my way.
I missed my Dynamis run with ROR on Tuesday last week. I was just too tired to attend.
Duo’d Nosferatu with Carste. (you’ll see 2 other people in the pt on the screenshots, those people were buyers for gear that could drop), Took us about 45 minutes to kill, and we both got charmed and turned into bats a few times. That was fun! The poor THF kept randomly taking our hate though, and would get either oneshotted or charmed.
Finally finished my Vermin trial on my Great Katana. Onto an assload of Manticores (I think). I’m not really sure when this becomes better than Hagun.
Also finished another trial on my Thunder staff. I finally have the version that’s better than the Jupiter’s staff. That slime trial took me an estimated 6 hours to do. What a pain in the ass. Glad it’s over.
I realized recently that I still had the drops from the Sarameya we had fought, so decided to do something with them. I had noticed that the Cerberus hide had been dropping very steeply in price, so I decided to wait to see if it went back up, and it never did. Athoz eventually told me to hold off on selling it, and he would try to make a Cerberus Mantle (+1) out of it once he got his leathercraft up. Well, Athoz ran out of gil at LC96, so I enlisted the help of a 100+5 leathercrafter to try and make us a +1 mantle to sell. He desynthed about 4 mantle’s before he lost the hide. Oh well. Sucks, but it happens. It was a chance I was willing to take to split the 3m between the remaining 4 people who still play.
Carste offered to help me skill up my Parrying level, since it was so gimp. I decided now was as good a time as ever to finish getting my Boxer’s Mantle. I cashed out the 250k in ABC’s in upper jeuno and bought it. It was kinda fun doing the parrying at first, but after a while it got real dull. I think I got over 30 levels though!
Abyssea with AP last night. TIDAL WAVE! Lol, Jala wondered into our –ga burn of all the mobs and decided to kill us all instantly.
Also some Ironclad fun. No closer to a +2 though. We’ve been spamming the Tier 2 VNM and it still hasn’t changed. Stupid stupid stupid.
Looking to solo some stuff this week to make some gil. I’m awfully broke.