Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Ok, so I’m finally updating this thing. Some stuff has changed at work and I can’t really do it as often as when I started out, but whatever, I have 4 readers. I’m going to try to make this go in order, but I’ll probably do some skipping around..

Got to help my pal Wakmidget with some of his magian trials.

Last week with AbsolutePerfection, was SCNM’s, which I had never really done before, so I had fun.

We got a couple drops from the NM’s that went freelot, and didn’t have awesome drops from the SCNM, but we did get a couple things, and I got to use my new Sorcerer’s Gloves which are awesome for adding magic burst damage, especially when grouped with the new Samurai ability which boost Magic Burst damage or something…

Did I mention I got those in Dynamis-Windurst? Maybe? Well I did. Ok, moving on…

I had my last run with the WeHeartCaulk linkshell. I always enjoyed Limbus, but lately it’s seemed more of a chore to make the run times than it’s worth. I’ll always love you Nere  <3

Got to do SAM in an Abyssea party with AP. Turns out that my SAM isn’t as terrible as I thought it was. Also was able to get my buttbuddy Carste a spot in the alliance, and he was able to cap merits and RDM exp at level 80.

Also got my SAM to 80 and was able to use the new Perle feet with the 5STR, they’re sexy. Also picked up the Perle Hauberk to WS in, for the added STR. I want to get my hands on some H. Haidate for the STR10, since I’m only WSing in 2STR on my legs (lolgimp), but they’re 15-20mil, and even if I did get them off Sarameya, It would be more beneficial to sell them off and use the gil for other upgrades.

While I’m talking about my SAM, for my few readers who SAM Polearm (Or just DRG), for Penta Thrust, should I stack STR or DEX, or should I be trying to get a equal number of both? My Penta Thrust damage is all over the place, from 1600 to 450, so some tips would be greatly appreciated.

Helped that buttbuddy of mine with some of his trials. He finally finished his Thunder staff, and is working on his Ice. I know I’m trailing behind big time on the magian trial stuff, especially since I haven’t even started on the ice and thunder trials and my Cure staff isn’t even close to being done.

Carste and I did start on our GK trials, working towards this:

We weren’t really having much luck with our first trial, but we did get a couple kills before we killed ourselves of boredom. Luckily the next trial should be easy since it’s only 25 mobs.

Helped Wakmidget and Deadbeet kill an NM in Abyssea that drops this beauty:

I instantly wanted it. Luckily Carste needs whatever it is that this NM drops for a trial, and he’ll be killing it a lot, and I can snag myself a cape while we kill it for his trial… Just need to get WHM80, it’s sitting at 77 right now.
Did 2 KClub runs, one of which I died on around 50%. My first death in this BCNM. Luckily carste was able to save the run, and not get the drop
I was finally able to get myself a Winterstone, to complete my Genbu pop set, and I grabbed Carste and Hesper and we took off for sky in order for me to get my Zenith Mitts. Sadly, the fight lasted about half as long as I would have liked it to, but it was fun. I got my Zenith Mitts, Carste’s Genbu Shield didn’t drop, and we got to make Hesper feel uncomfortable. Win Win.

I quickly un-cursed the mitts, and realized that I was pretty close to getting the amount of Hp- gear I needed to self-proc my Sorcerer’s Ring, and luckily I had the abjuration for Zenith Slacks, so I shelled out the 500k and uncursed those as well and finally reached my goal. Now that I have the macro.. I have to decide if I want to gimp my sublimation for WHM/SCH to get an extra 10% cure potency from the Medicine Ring..

My WOTG mission static has 1 last run, and we’ll be done with all 3 cities and have all the rewards!! Excitttting,.
Haven’t made the switch yet, but I can’t decide which piece to ditch my AF hat for… Teal or Hecate’s crown.. I think I’ll have better returns with the Teal, and it’s a lot cheaper. Although it makes me sad to lose 30MP, but I figured I could afford it since I got the Zenith Mitts.. even though Teal hat is so fucking ugly.

Was in sea trying to farm up some organs on BLM so I could get my thunder obi and my gorget for SAM, when I ran into Begsta who was also organ farming, so I decided to forgo what I needed and assist him since I don’t get to play with him that often. We went inside to the Aern’s and killed for about a hour before he got his 4 organs, and while I was there I did some testing with my Weskit (INT+4 Augment) against the new Teal body on some Aern’s while I was helping Begsta farm some organs. Weskit beat out Teal 20/20 times. In fact, while nuking in Teal, I resisted 8/20, while having a 0/20 resist rate on Weskit.. Also Weskit is nicer to look at.

Dynamis Bastok last night was a great success. We killed the boss and farmed up until the last minute. We ended with some 300+ coins and not a bad number of relic drops. Sadly, no 100c. Next week is Xarcarbard!!
I still have quite a lot of work to do for my subjobs. SAM80/NIN37 looks horrible, so I’ve gotta fix that soon. Also I need to snag the last level for my SCH to get it to 40….

Can’t think of anything else to write..
Oh yeah, Carste got me  killed a bunch trying to kill this thing.
